Payday Debt Relief
Why Choose : Debt Relief Help Group
We have a proven track record for helping clients save money and get out of debt with our payday loan debt relief programs.
It is a smart decision to have a personal debt negotiator work on your behalf and handle all your creditor and collection calls.
Best of all we also save you money throughout the debt relief program. This can all be done with one affordable monthly payment.
So stop overpaying in excessive interest rates and fees that are keeping you in debt longer than you need to be.
Sign up today and The Debt Relief Help Group can put you on the path to financial freedom.
Payday Loan Debt Relief Program That Works.
Sign Up To Get Out Of Payday Loan Debt.
Our Mission
Our mission is to help clients save money and get out of debt in the shortest time period possible. We also have the ability to help clients improve their credit scores with our credit education & repair programs.
3837 Hollywood Blvd Suite A Hollywood, FL 33021
P: 888-737-1845
F: 954-998-1326
Monday - Friday
8:30 am to 5:30 pm
9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Evenings by Appointment
Debt Consolidation
By Consolidating multiple debts into a debt relief program you save more money and pay less monthly overall.
Credit Card Debt Relief
Our Debt Relief Company has a proven track record for settling credit cards with small to very large balances.
Payday Loan Relief Services
The Debt Relief Help Group has a great relationship with many lenders and can help you save money and get out of payday loans debt.