We Provide Debt Relief Help That Saves You Money!
Sign Up To For Our
Payday Loan Relief Program.
Let Us Help You Eliminate Payday Loans Today!
Debt Relief Help Group Benefits
1. Eliminate Fees & Reduce Interest Rates
2. Save Money Monthly & On Your Debts
3. One Affordable Monthly Payment
4. Stop Collections Calls
5. Personal Debt Negotiator
6. 4-36 Month Debt Relief Programs
7.Consolidate Payday Loans & Credit Cards
3837 Hollywood Blvd Suite A Hollywood, FL 33021
P: 888-737-1845
F: 954-998-1326
Payday Loan Relief Company
Monday - Friday
8:30 am to 5:30 pm
9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Evenings by Appointment
Payday Loan Debt Settlement Company
Looking for a Debt Settlement Company you can trust? Look no further!
We’re committed to debt relief and to serving you with honesty, quality savings, and to get you out of debt.
The Debt Relief Help Group has been in the debt settlement for many years. We have provided debt relief and credit repair to many people in debt and with bad credit.
Debt Relief:
Our experienced debt negotiators will work to save you money as they endeavor to get rid of all your unsecured debt and payday loans.
We use proven strategies to provide high-quality relief programs in our effort to help you save money while reducing your debt.
We hope that through our services you will find yourself free of debt and the incessant nagging of collection calls, without the need to file for bankruptcy. DRHG's debt relief program is a convenient way to work to get your debt paid off fast.
We know what we’re doing, and we’re dedicated to keeping you on the path to financial freedom. Your satisfaction with our debt relief programs is our highest priority!
Benefits of our Debt Settlement Program
Structure of a savings plan that works best for your circumstances
Have a debt settlement negotiator advocating for you
Work with professionals who have a proven track record for settlement and who know when and for how much certain creditors are most likely to settle a debt
The program teaches discipline in setting aside funds and better budgeting.
If you are feeling overwhelmed in debt and don't know what to do, DRHG will work to help you save money and get rid of your debts by negotiating them down.
Credit Card Consolidation
The Debt Relief Help Group can assist you in consolidating credit card debts into an affordable repayment plan.
This can all be down with one monthly payment. These programs enable you to save money and get out of debt in a shorter period of time.
If you do credit card consolidation, your debt relief company will contact all your creditors and negotiate lower interest rates typically between 3-9% and then monthly payments based on the agreement.
Now if you enroll in a credit card debt settlement program. The debt relief company will contact all your creditors and negotiate settlements for less than your principal balances. Typically these settlements are for 40-60% off the balance.
So if you want to save money and get out of payday loan debt, installment loan debt, credit card debt, medical bills.
Sign Up on the Form Above To find out how many months it will take to get all your debts paid off!
We Love Providing Debt Relief services to people in need.
Our debt negotiators enjoy working to save people money and help them get out of debt. Let our professional debt relief team help you become debt-free.
Consolidate Payday Loans
Payday Loan Debt Relief Services are designed to help you settle your debts for less than you owe.
Creating monthly savings an affordable repayment plan.
The Payday Debt Relief Help Group can consolidate all your payday loan debts in one affordable monthly payment.
Then we will contact all your creditors and negotiate settlements with your monthly payment. We DO NOT charge any upfront fees.
After we have settle on account with a creditor, we will send the client their signed settlement letter and then starting paying the creditor accordingly with your monthly payment.
These debt relief programs are designed to help people get out of debt for less money and in a shorter period of time.
So if you are looking for a legitimate payday loan consolidation company?
You found the right company to help you get out of debt while saving you money. Sign up today for our payday loan relief services.

It has been a pleasure working with your company. Professional, courteous and always in contact with the customer. Very customer service oriented.
This experience has been memorable. Evan and the team have been exceptional while helping me to get debt free. In a matter of weeks, I started to receive my settlement offers. I am truly thankful for all their hardwork to help me when I didn't know how I was going to make it.
I would like to thank Evan and his team for working hard and so fast on speaking with by debtors. They have handle all my calls in an very professional way. The process was easier than I thought it would be and everything is going as discussed. I would recommend them in a flash to someone in need. Thank you
Debt Relief Help Group helped me settle my accounts quickly without any hesitations. I was very impressed with Evan during my program, he answered all my questions and very quick to act. I would highly recommend to everyone that needs help getting out of debt.
Krista Iowa
Evan is great keeps things on track. Thank you so much for your assistance !!! I highly recommend their services.
Christina Wisconsin
When I first thought about doing debt program I was little unsure about the whole program. After talking with Evan DeBoard with Debt Relief Help Group I had more understanding how the program worked. I am so happy that I decided to go with them they are saving me so much money. I will be out debt a lot sooner.
Amanda Missouri